Common Misconceptions About Orthodontic Treatment

Good oral health plays a significant part in good overall health. This is why regular trips to the dentist from an early age is a familiar family event throughout Australia. Your dentist checks for signs of tooth decay and other dental problems. However, dental treatment is not only about fillings, crowns and root canals.  

Crooked teeth contribute to biting and chewing problems. They accelerate the wear of the teeth, as well as causing airway-related issues that could lead to obstructive sleep apnoea. In addition, crooked teeth are more susceptible to decay because they can be harder to clean. Your dentist will likely recommend orthodontic treatment to address the problem.

Orthodontic treatment has grown in popularity over the years as people become aware of the serious problems created by crooked teeth. However, a lot of people still have misconceptions about the treatment and its health benefits. Let’s clear some of them up.

Misconception 1: Orthodontic treatment is just for the sake of looks

Aside from helping correct oral problems connected to having crooked teeth and an overbite, going into treatment can help alleviate the excessive wear or trauma on the teeth. It also ensures the long-term health of your gums, which is essential for overall oral health.

Misconception 2: Straightening teeth takes a lot of time and cash

The process of properly aligning the teeth is not simple but shouldn’t necessarily take a long time. Depending on your condition and how well you adapt to treatment, straightforward cases can be treated in a span of three months to a year. More severe cases are treated longer, averaging between two to four years.

Orthodontic treatment is not necessarily expensive either, with modern dentistry meaning more options for treatment are available. The cost of straightening your teeth is affected by certain factors, including your age, the severity of your condition and the type of treatment you choose.

Misconception 3: It is too late for an adult to have his teeth aligned

Patients of any age can go under orthodontic treatment. However, dentists recommend an orthodontic assessment for children at the age of seven. This is because the ideal time for undergoing orthodontic treatment is between the ages of 10 and 14, while the mouth is still developing and the teeth can be repositioned more easily.

Misconception 5: The only orthodontic treatment available uses metal braces

Orthodontic treatment is not just limited to metal braces. Technological advancements in dentistry mean that alternative treatments are available that are more effective and pleasing to the eye. Clear aligners, called Invisalign, are increasingly the preferred choice of teenagers because they are removable and invisible.

Undergoing orthodontic treatment is not just about getting a perfect smile. It helps achieve excellent oral health. Correcting problems like crooked teeth and overbite as early as possible avoid more serious oral health issues developing.

If you are looking for orthodontic treatment in Townsville, Casey Dentists are here to help. We provide initial consultations and will determine if you need orthodontic treatment. Request an appointment with us today.
